Zombie Maths

Practising maths with a JS game

How can a programmer help his daughter with maths?

  • A - Creating a new instance of Daughter
  • B - Deleting all Math classes
  • C - Create a funny game to practice

When your wife is a math teacher, the only correct answer is C. So...

Based on an old Adobe Flash game called Qwerty Warriors (developed by, I decided to make a similar version to practice multiplication.

First of all, we need an epic environment and some fun mobs. It's impossible to practice anything with a boring application! Fortunately I found everything I needed on

Now is the time to add some moves. Despite you can animate layers and sprites using CSS, I think Canvas was more appropriate for developing a dynamic game.

In this case, we are going to take advantage of the browser refresh requesting it to draw our animations on repaint thanks to window.requestAnimationFrame () method.

The game consists of three screens:

  • Home screen:
    Displays basic instructions and waits for user to click when ready
  • Game screen:
    On one hand, it paints background, stage and zombies and, on the other hand, it is in charge of generating zombies when necessary and eliminating those that have been killed.
  • Final screen:
    Shows the total score and waits for the user to click for restart.

It'a a good game for practising multiplications but, soon my doughter will need some more level so, in the near future, I would like to update the features below:

  • Select different operation types
  • Select number of digits for each operands
  • Select zombie speed and frequency
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